Q: Is a participant who buys a second-hand local car eligible for tax exemptions?
A: Second hand cars are transacted on a willing buyer, willing seller basis and the government does not levy any sales tax and excise duty on such transactions. As such tax exemptions do not arise.
Q: If I had a car accident and as a result I need to change the car, do I have to pay back the tax exemptions?
A: Given the following situations:
Q: When can I sell the car, which has been given all the tax exemptions?
A: Cars that have been exempted from taxes and duties under this program can be sold or its ownership transferred provided the prevailing taxes and duties on the car have been paid prior to the transaction. However, for imported cars the condition stipulated in the AP should be complied before any sale or transfer can be permitted.
Uni-One (MM2H) Sdn Bhd is an official agent licensed by the Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia [License No. MM2H 0299] offering consulting services for the Malaysia My Second Home Programme.